Sunday, January 29, 2006

An Interesting Life

Life in the Philippines is ALWAYS interesting but these past two weeks have been fun! The following is a description of the highlights. We had former missionaries who were teaching and speaking here at PBTS and were scheduled to come for dinner along with our academic dean Dr. Joyce Abugan. The power was out from 7am-7pm and so Leah and I prepared a full course meal (including chicken fijitas!) with our gas stove and candlelight. It was a cozy time when the power came back on! I thought to myself that day, this would have been viewed differently in the States having 10 dinner guests and no electricity all day!

Debbie's marriage counseling class started on Jan. 17th and she discovered quite a cross-cultural diversity! She has 5 Korean, 10 Filipino, 1Nepal, and 2 Myammar students in her class. Can you imagine teaching a counseling class and trying to contextualize it to that many cultures? The class is going very well so far and the Lord has given Debbie great insight into how to lead these students. We are having fun!

The annual Cross Country Race at the boy's Brent International School was held on Jan. 19th. All three of the Miller guys participated and did well. Mom was the cheerleader! Congratulations Chris for winning 3rd place in the division of 4-6 grade. The race was a rugged mile run for him. Flint came in 4th running with the other parents and faculty! (About 25 adults) His race was 2 miles and he felt the steep hills the next few days!

The family attended a Korean mission on Jan. 22 where Flint preached to about 40 kids and their sponsors. Chris even helped dad with his sermon! After the worship we were served our favorite Korean food and enjoyed the fellowship with some of our Korean friends from Brent.

We were also blessed as Koreans contextualized the gospel to their own art forms. A group of Koreans were here for three weeks for the Asia Pacific Institute of Missions. This picture shows them doing the traditional Korean Fan dance to praise music. They also did an effectiveness gospel presentation using drama, mime, and music -- all in ways that communicate in this asian context.

Today, Jan. 29, was the 22th anniversary of our church West Baguio Baptist Church. Flint was the guest preacher and we had a wonderful time of worship and a lunch fellowship. Flint and Deb sang in the special "anniversary choir." Being there with those special folk reminded us of God's faithfulness in these Filipino Christians and our family as well.

God is good ALL the time....All the time God is GOOD!


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