Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Prayer Update

Thought this might be a good time for an update. Debbie would write also, but she’s down with an intestinal virus. We thought it might be an amoeba, visited the doctor, had tests which came back negative. The boys had the flu last week, so we’re trying to outlast the various bugs that pester us. So far I am unscathed, although (knock on wood) we know how that can change. The attempted coup last week, and subsequent state of emergency have been interesting. Here in Baguio, 6-8 hours from Manila life goes on pretty much as normal. Coup attempts seem to be a national pastime, maybe 12 in the last 10 years.

We’ve enjoyed a great time of ministry since returning. Debbie counseling class has been wonderful– there are such needs to strengthen families here in Asia. I’ve had lots of opportunities to preach which I enjoy, and we are excited about the 5-6 doctoral students walking the stage in March. We (Deb and I) have established the “International Ministries, ABC, Award” that recognizes the doctoral graduate with the best dissertation. Besides receiving the award is $100 – not bad around here.

Please pray also,

1. For Ben and Chris’s continued adjustment. They are doing well at Brent, but still miss the States, especially the support of a church youth group, and their schools. Although Brent was begun as an American school 98 years ago, it is today more a hybrid of British, Filipino, and American systems. Also presently, Ben and Chris are the only American, although there are some mixed couples – Filipina plus British, Dutch, etc.

2. For good health. It’s hard to keep up the pace when you don’t feel well.

3. Along with this, energy to finish the term. Graduation is next Friday, March 10.

4. For Clinical Pastoral Education this summer. (The Philippines summer is March, April, May). Debbie and a colleague will supervise the largest batch ever, fourteen students, as they minister in local hospitals.

5. For Flint and several writing projects. In particular the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary trustees have asked him and a colleague to rewrite the outdated Research and Design Manual that is used in the 8 ABGTS branches throughout Asia. Our target is to complete the task by October. This manual is strategic because it guides grad students through their prospectus and dissertation writing projects. These projects are the most important parts of the doctoral program.

6. For continued safety. The Philippines is a great place to live and serve, but still the roads can be harrowing at times, as well as the heightened threat of terrorism.

Many, many thanks for praying.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ministering Hospitality

We like to use our home for all sorts of occasions. Recently we had a send-off (despidita) for an ABGTS student leaving to serve as a missionary in Indonesia. While serving there, she will also do her dissertation field research. We also recently hosted a fellowship for academically qualified students who wanted to learn about the graduate school (ABGTS, The Asia Baptist Graduate Theologica Seminary). Besides this there are holiday celebrations and meals with visiting professors. Through it all Debbie remains the "hostess with the mostest". :-)

Home Sweet Home

If you go up the hill from the central campus you come to our place. We live in the top apartment of this house. Across the road from us is the Winston Crawley Global Missions Center. Here Flint and Deb join others in training Asians from across Asia in preparing for cross-cultural ministry. We enjoy our home and the view it allows of campus.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Nerve Center!

This is where the learning happens. It is almost overflowing with brain power! Ha! The Adminstration and Classroom Building is near the front of campus. It also houses the chapel and faculty offices. Presently there are around 160 students enrolled and studying at the Baguio campus. There are approximately 800 more students who student across the Philipppines, Asia and other parts of the globe enrolled in seminary education by extension.

A Tour of Campus!

Thought you might like to see where we live and serve. We'll share of few favorite shots of the seminary campus. This is the courtyard in front of the Admin/Classroom Building. The campus is covered with pine trees and beautiful flowers.