Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Tour of Campus!

Thought you might like to see where we live and serve. We'll share of few favorite shots of the seminary campus. This is the courtyard in front of the Admin/Classroom Building. The campus is covered with pine trees and beautiful flowers.


Blogger yoursbecausehis said...

Hi! Got a chance this morning to catch up with you through your blog. This is a great way to stay in touch while you're halfway around the world.

Something made me curious. Your posting says "Wednesday, Feb. 1." It's Wednesday, Feb. 2 here. Is that a dateline thing or a computer thing? :)


7:55 AM  
Blogger yoursbecausehis said...

LOL!! No, aparently it's a "need new glasses" thing or a "glanced too quickly at the calendar" thing! And it took me a whole day to catch on! -blushes- Oh, often do you get to live a day over again?

Have a great day no matter WHAT date it is! :)

6:50 AM  

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